Thursday, April 12, 2007
Boyfriends Band.
they just had their first paying show last week and have lots more booked!... they are from minneapolis, MN area and are called "Scare, the Crow"
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Shes adorable
Tattoos i have this boyfriend..and he's quite amazing. We are extremely serious and are crazy about each other. We will be getting married once he moves here and we can be with each other full time. So last time i was visiting him i wrote on his stomach my name in Japanese. He liked it there and he kept asking me to re-write it. A couple days later he told me he wants it tattooed. This obviously freeked me out bc even if we were married now i would still think its a bad idea cuz it is heard of of ppl. getting divorced after like 40 years of marriage....basically my whole complaint is nothing in life is certain and tattoos are permanent. I tried telling him numerous times that its not a good idea but he has his mind made up and wants it more than anything. So yea i dont know what to do about that. . .
Thursday, April 5, 2007
all these are from the proquest from the schools library
all these are from the proquest from the schools library
Monday, April 2, 2007
Some pics that make me smile.
Can we just be done?
so this is just going to be me venting about school...basically i'm completely sick of it. I screwed myself over with two upper level psych classes and my history class has all graduate students and they said they've never had a harder basically i'm dying. I work way to much but i cant stop working cuz i need the money to see my boyfriend.. i just want summer vacation wayy wayyyy bad and dont wanna do anymore school crap. yup i'm going to stop whining now
Monday, March 26, 2007
Final Photo Essay
For this essay I am trying to find out how children start out being so innocent playing nicely on the playground, to just a few years later consumed with weapons and violent video games. I decided to use my little brother (11y.o) as my subject to observe.

These are just some of the many weapons my brother owns

On the back of this video game shows violent acts of killing people.

A game of my brother "Jaws", allows him to swim around and tear people apart. I watched him play for about 20 min. Some parts showed pieces of a person floating around, such as a severed head. At one point there was so much blood from the attack the whole screen was red.

The game even includes the people screaming for their lives.
This is a body he's carrying without a head. (he bit that off earlier)

A shooting game that doesn't have as much blood but is more realistic and violent.

He frequently plays outside with his friends acting out scenes they had played in the games.

He shoots anything from beer cans to live animals that come into our backyard.
I'm not sure exactly why kids become so violent. The only assumption I could make would be the violent games and toys that kids are frequently exposed to at a young age. I've watched my brother grow up and become a boy obsessed with weapons and killing games. He's so use to the violence and blood that it does not bother him to watch it or even act it out with his friends.

These are just some of the many weapons my brother owns

I'm not sure exactly why kids become so violent. The only assumption I could make would be the violent games and toys that kids are frequently exposed to at a young age. I've watched my brother grow up and become a boy obsessed with weapons and killing games. He's so use to the violence and blood that it does not bother him to watch it or even act it out with his friends.
Should people worry about the future?..There is no way to tell what will happen in the future. Sure you can say that you wanna do something in the future and make plans but who is to say that they will actually happen. How do you know they wont change? Maybe we shouldn't make to many plans about the future because it will just make us worry and then if they dont happen just leave us disappointed. But sometimes I can't help but keep dreaming about it. I have to know what will happen and if it will all come true. Its really have to just go with the flow sometimes...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
What to do?
So lets say there is someone very special in your life and you've already made many plans for the love them and want all good things for them. Then they give you this news that is life changing for them and makes their dream come true. They are very excited about it and you are to..then you realize after thinking about it, this changes all the plans for the future. Those plans can no longer happen. This also takes this person away from you. You want to be happy for them but you can't stop crying because its bad news for you. You also tell this person everything that comes into your head but this time is different. You feel like you can't tell this person how you feel because it will ruin the joy of the news for them and make them sad. But you have to tell this person how you feel because its killlllling you and you can't sleep, can't stop worrying, are anxious and cry. Is this selfish to not want your future plans to change? Should you even tell them that you hate this "good" news? or keep everything to yourself?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
so I was driving home from school today and i love to look at different ppl that are driving i look over at this person in their car and i notice a dreamcatcher hanging from their rear view. Now i thought to myself "uhh..this seriously doesnt make sense. Why would they have that their?..Heaven forbid you have a bad dream when you FALL ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!" I honestly wanna know what was going through their head when they decided a dream catcher would look sweet hanging from their rear view. Seriously you see the strangest ppl/things when you actually open ur eyes and look around....
start of photo essay..

The first two images are of a playground in Novi at an elementary school. The last two pictures are the toy guns and weapons that my little brother owns (11yr.). I have not gotten actual photos of him playing his violent video games or playing with the guns outside with his friends yet. The photo essay I'm going to try and do is going to touch on the issue of kids becoming violent, when they were once so innocent playing on the playground.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Pics around Novi
Not knowing what I was going to write about for my paper i took pics around an elementary playground and some others up at my old high school...this is one that i believe i can now use in my photo essay. My topic that I think I might stick with is going to be about how children so innocently playing can eventually be so violent and what social and cultural things effect this process. This is still an idea in progress but I think this will end up being the main theme.

In the graffiti article Kriegel brought up some very valid points. At the beginning I was a little confused about how the graffiti in the tunnel made him scared. Yes, it did have words of hate but it is only paint on a wall, not a violent person. On page 202 it states graffiti is a form of visual pollution. I have to disagree. I see it as a form of expression. Sometimes there can be hateful things written and that is when i see it as a roblem. Graffiti gives a city character and color. Most artists that write the grafitti do it because they have something to say or show. There can be beautiful pieces of work done by these artists and to try and cover all of it up is a shame. On age 203, it states "graffiti is an urban statement whose ulitmate end is nothing less than the destruction of urban life." I disagree with this arguement because all graffiti does not have the intention to destruct life. It is merely artwork displayed in public in a unique fashion that only relates to its genre specifically. No other art relates. Graffiti is so flowing, colorfull, vibrant and the style/font is so unique its beautiful art to me. The following pic is a good example how how graffiti is art and not violent or out to hurt anyone....

Wikipedia Info
In class one day we were discussing how Wikipedia is not a valid source of information and I was talking to my boyfriend the other day and he shared some information about that website with me. Apparently you can go on there and change anybodys information and anything that is posted on the website. This compromises any information that is posted there because how do we know that this is what the original author wrote and how do we know that it is correct. Once I learned this information from him i lost all respect for this website and would not trust the information gathered from it, nor would i ever use it in an acedemic piece of writing.
Just thought I would let everyone know that...
Just thought I would let everyone know that...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Just some thoughts..
Sometimes terrible terrible things happen in life that we have no control over. Some people say everything happens for a reason and all i have to say to those people "really...then what do you say to the girls who where raped??"...cuz that really happened for a reason right?...NEVER! person should ever have to go through that and on top of that the effect are long term and sometimes the victim is screwed up for life. They will never be the same, never feel safe again, have trust issues, never want to get close to a guy, basically live a miserable life. How do you get them to feel safe again?..maybe they'll be lucky and find a great guy that protects them, loves them as a person and not just a sex object, makes them actually feel SAFE for the FIRST time in years....but maybe not. Most victims dont do anything about the incident because most people dont realize how hard it is to prosecute a rapist and all the humiliation involved in the trial. Most victims dont tell their families because its to hard, they dont want to have to relive it over and over again, they dont want their families to know something so terrible happened to their little girl. Sometimes you wonder how God could let something so terrible happen... is He not supposed to protect you more than any human ever could and love you with all his heart?..This topic has confused me for one has answers to the questions and its very frustrating topic. There is so much heartache and tears and no one can help make it any better, no matter who you try to talk to.
This is why I am going to be a therapist for rape victims..
This is why I am going to be a therapist for rape victims..
Thursday, March 8, 2007
More From FREEP
The local issues that are getting the most coverage are still the Grant case and then there was also the Comerica leaving issue. These cases are the first that I see everytime I visit the website. Its obviously continually posting stories because that is what most people would like to hear about. The thing that stands out the most to me is the Grant case because that is what i'm always hearing about. All the other stories and headlines that I see seem so unimportant. For example there is some things about a running back that is injured or a specific stories about a superintendant, this to me is all garbage. I really do not care about such specific stories and would rather hear about global issues or even just issues that without a doubt will effect every person..not just the people in that school system or the people that like this football team. All the stories that only pertain to a small group of people are a waste of time and they should be covering stories that people actually care about. They definetly use the "drama factor" to play up there useless stupid stories so people will actually want to read them...especially in the titles of the stories they will use this factor to grab a readers attention. All the stories for Oakland county are about stabbings, killing, and attacks...this is taking the "drama factor" a little to far and people are now going to only think that terrible things happen in Oakland county. I do not think that news reporters give accurate stories or a variety of stories about what is going on in each city. They only pick the "juicy" topics because they believe that's what people want to hear. Personally all of that is NOT something i want to hear and that is why i choose to not read or watch the news because it is a bunch of garbage. The newscasters are fake and pretend like they care but they really dont at all. I think some of their stories should be about the positives that are happening in our cities and how we are changing them for the better. Right now i dont know what i might want to write about...right now there are just murder or attacks and i dont know how i could write a paper on something liek that. There is a woman that comes into my work and she works for my city counsel in Novi and I'm going to ask her what they are talking/argueing about now and see if that would be a good topic.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Free Press News
after looking around the new website i noticed it was all about the murder case and they had serveral links involving the story, the story about how she was discovered and how they got the warrant because of that and then finally pictures of her. Right now this story seems to be very consuming, repetitive and i find myself wondering why its' getting so much attention considering stuff like this happens all the time. I hate watching the news because they pretend to be so emotionally attached and sympathetic but they really dont give a shit. Quite frankly most of the stories on the news, local especially involving missing cats or a run away shopping carts I do not care about at all.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Pic of the week..
the restaurant review is going pretty well so far...still working on some things and getting it into the "review" style writing instead of just a paper, which is a little difficult for me to get use too but I think it will turn out ok. I really like the restaurant i've chosen so I have a good feeling..
A while back we were talkin about how people don't usually come to Detroit for a vacation..well this past weekend i was spendin a lot of time in a few airports and when i was in the philly airport i was talkin to some ppl and one girl was from virginia beach and she was going to Detroit to visit her dad, have a vacation and go to the casinos.. and when she said she was vacationing there a women talking with us was shocked that she was going to Detroit for a vacation. She said "have you ever been to Detroit?!..why would you ever want to go on vacation there??" So the conversation continues and i'm thinking about how Detroit has such a bad reputation and the only thing that this woman was going for was the casinos...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Restaurant Review.
The review that we wrote gave me some good ideas for things I will look for when I do my review. I think I already know which place I'm going to do for a couple reasons: Its one of my favorites, the food is amazing, its not a chain and the atmosphere is unique. When my boyfriend from Minnesota was just here I also took him to this resturant because I think its' important to my city considering all of my friends love it and its famous around our high school. And in case you were wondering he fell in love with it as well....which i knew he would. :)
community member paper..
I am really happy with how this paper ended up turning out. I used more vivid details and structured my paper more than the previous one. I tried keeping each paragraph to having a single point or topic which i had struggled with in the past. The best part about this was the interview. I really enjoyed interviewing a police officer. For a class in high school we had gone into the police station before and got to see many places within this, so it was nice to get to sit down and learn what its like to be an officer.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Paper goals
Some goals that I would like to accomplish in this profile paper are showing lots of imagery, emotion and giving the reading an idea of their personal life and how it may conflict with their job. Also I want to show how perhaps the job inhibits their personality or how they really are day to day.
Pic of the week..
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
rap music..
We were discussing in class rap music and stereotypes that go along with it...and i was watching music videos on MTV the other night and I noticed that everything we discussed in class was true. The artists tried to look like gangster, had women hanging all over them wearing barely anything and flaunted expensive cars. Then a Three 6 Mafia song came on where people in the music video could pay to look at the lives of the member of Three 6 Mafia and they were all white people. Then they had little parts where they actually turned the white lookeer into the member of the group just for a minute like they were immitating the rapper. This confirmed all the information we had read about how white people observe from a safe environment and then immitate the rappers.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Soundtrack to my life..
1. All Hail The Heartbreaker - The spill canvas: This represents the high school which is huuge in my city and all the relationships that consume peoples lives throughout their high school career.
2. Am-Pm - Christina Milian : This also represent high school life and all the constant parties in my town
3. Days Go By - Keith Urban : This just describes how fast time goes by and how I remember like it was yesturday my first day of school and now im suddenly in college.
4. Live Like You Were Dying - Time McGraw : People live rather lavishly in novi and this song reminds me of just how people spoil themselves and live to the fullest.
5. Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel : A lot of kids in my graduating class had a parent die and they were all young parents, which made us all realize to not take our families for granted.
6. The Natives - Hollywood Undead : This talks about the fights we go through.and how we become who we are and how you remember the way you got to where we are today.
7. Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield : Our lives are what we make them to be.
2. Am-Pm - Christina Milian : This also represent high school life and all the constant parties in my town
3. Days Go By - Keith Urban : This just describes how fast time goes by and how I remember like it was yesturday my first day of school and now im suddenly in college.
4. Live Like You Were Dying - Time McGraw : People live rather lavishly in novi and this song reminds me of just how people spoil themselves and live to the fullest.
5. Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel : A lot of kids in my graduating class had a parent die and they were all young parents, which made us all realize to not take our families for granted.
6. The Natives - Hollywood Undead : This talks about the fights we go through.and how we become who we are and how you remember the way you got to where we are today.
7. Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield : Our lives are what we make them to be.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
interview paper..
so I'm still having a hard time figuring out who i'm going to interview. The last paper was hard enough considering I do not like my city and don't spend much time trying to take in interest in a stranger is a lot tougher. Right now I'm thinking a police officer and that's the only idea i have at the moment...I know i have to do my interview tomorrow so maybe the pressure will helpl me think of something more..
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
cold weather story..
As my car sputters to a stop while flying down the espressway in wosconsin (that has 3 names) I scream out every swear word in my vocabulary. The trip had already gone wrong in more ways imaginable and just when I thought I'd reach my destination car runs out of gas. Thankfully the 100 mph momentum I'd built up allowed me to coast my way into an exit ramp. My next obsticle, running down the ramp, 18 year old, 98 lbs, white girl in wisconsin at midnight to a truck stop. Needless to say I thought the worst was going to happen. Getting out of my car in a pink sweatshirt, abercrombie sweat pants and silver flats didn't exactle buff up my helpless look either. As soon as I opened my car door the below zero weather hit me like knives. As I was running I couldn't help but burst out laughing as I thought to myself.. "so this is what the news meant by severe weather warning". After buying a gas can and $2.o0 worth of gas I made my treck back to my car. Upon arrival and being outside that long without gloves my hands were literally frozen and I couldn't move them for the life of me. So natuarally I did what I always do and panicked thinking "how coud I have thought I could do this entire trip throught 5 states alone!!!??" I sat in my car shaking violently and breathing furiiously on my hands but they refused to make even slight movements. I tried putting them on my neck and sittin gon them but nothing worked. Time crept by so slowly as I couldn't figure out where I was, how much farther I had to drive to Minnesota and why my hands still weren't able to move! Then to my relief a police car pulled up behind me. He walks to my window and I yel "open my door I cna't move my hands". He opens my door, helps me inot the back of his car and turns the heat on full power. He fills my car up with gas and then when I finaly can move my hands, I start my car and he follows me to a near by gas station. He then helps me fill my car up because now y hands feel as though a thousand needles are punturing through them. After more time of sitting by the heater and humoring him with my other horror stories from earlier that day I take a picture of us for my photo album and drive the rest of the way in Minnesota to my destination.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
The "D"
The campaign seems like it is going to work to some extent. I was curious as to specifics of how this will make Detroit "cool". I just do not see it happening. They have a good target audience that will in turn tell more people about it by word of mouth. The "D" design is more modern and young i guess you could say. Which is suitable for the young target group that they have chosen. It has a sleek look to it too with cool relaxing colors, so its easy to look at. The Font of the D is a new look to Detroit. They are trying to give Detroit an entirely new image with just one picture. I do not think that Detroits image will be changed by just one campaign, I think it will take much longer and much more effort.
Friday, February 2, 2007
pictures of my life
so in college its harder to know about someone and their life. B/c unlike highschool you haven't alwasy been at school with them and known practically everyone their whole lives... so i thought i would add some personal pictures in a blog so people could know a little more about me and because i just LOVE pictures...
me and best friend at rascal flatts concert
me, elena and other seniors at our homecoming football game...we were on the news for our painting shananigans!
i love the beach..and my best friend
me and my boyfriend are buying this cat...and maybe the ducks too
getting ready to eat for the first time after my wisdom teeth surgery!!..of course i went to mothers pizza
messages on taco bell sauce packets entertain me..
me and my boyfriend are in love..
best friend #2 kimmie!
best friend #1 elena...
i looove white castle
me and my cousin at a wedding..
my tattoo
at Mothers Pizza, 5mile and Sheldon
me and my boyfriend at mall of america
one of my halloween costumes..
my dog that we had to put down on xmas:(
she's practically mine i'm with her so much..
my ex, we are still close tho..
me and my older brother are best friends
this is when me and my boyfriend met on our vaction to colorado..
these are some of my crazy friends..
i LOVE concerts..especially Journey/Deff Leppard concert..which was AMAZING
me and my friend lindsey outside our favorite resturant..BRAVO
i like to do things no one else can..

so there are just a few pictures of me..i may put more up some other time...
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