Wednesday, January 17, 2007


So i'm going to be totally honest and just say that i dont really like this book (ccc). Most of the story was boring and the only parts that I got something out of were the anacdotes. The very beginning of the section described in great detail how it was for this little black girl to walk to her grandmas being terrified. The imagry was great and it showed just how poorly the blacks were treated. The other part that I enjoyed was the story of how the slave mother walked over 20 miles just the lay with her son at night. She risked getting whipped in the morning if she were not back by sunrise. After this the author then goes on to argue how Douglass was wrong when saying that was not caring of his mom. She did all that she could to come see her son and probably more than once got whipped for it. Page 71, the second paragraph from the bottom does a really good job of explaining the quote which I enjoyed. I just agree so easily with what some authors have to say and she argued against it which really opened up my thinking processes.

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