Sometimes terrible terrible things happen in life that we have no control over. Some people say everything happens for a reason and all i have to say to those people "really...then what do you say to the girls who where raped??"...cuz that really happened for a reason right?...NEVER! person should ever have to go through that and on top of that the effect are long term and sometimes the victim is screwed up for life. They will never be the same, never feel safe again, have trust issues, never want to get close to a guy, basically live a miserable life. How do you get them to feel safe again?..maybe they'll be lucky and find a great guy that protects them, loves them as a person and not just a sex object, makes them actually feel SAFE for the FIRST time in years....but maybe not. Most victims dont do anything about the incident because most people dont realize how hard it is to prosecute a rapist and all the humiliation involved in the trial. Most victims dont tell their families because its to hard, they dont want to have to relive it over and over again, they dont want their families to know something so terrible happened to their little girl. Sometimes you wonder how God could let something so terrible happen... is He not supposed to protect you more than any human ever could and love you with all his heart?..This topic has confused me for one has answers to the questions and its very frustrating topic. There is so much heartache and tears and no one can help make it any better, no matter who you try to talk to.
This is why I am going to be a therapist for rape victims..